Buy a CSA Box for $65 and donate a box

A Movement for Fresh Food Equity

Access to fresh, locally sourced food is a right, not a privilege, and in King, Pierce and Thurston counties, this mission is at the heart of everything we d...

Food is more than just sustenance—it is a tool for healing, empowerment, and cultural connection. Through carefully designed programs, individuals and famili...

What began as a simple response to the challenges of food insecurity has grown into a powerful movement dedicated to transforming lives through food justice....

Real Experiences

Ami Hansen

Our household looks forward to our weekly boxes of local produce! It has encouraged us to try cooking new recipes with the ingredients we may not normally purchase ourselves which has been fun too:) As a person with mobility issues I also appreciate that you guys deliver for those who need that option. Thank you!

Nicholas Polimenakos

A Beacon of light every Monday afternoon. Amazing food boxes intertwined with the intension of Love and Compassion